Borne By The Company

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Bonjour mes amis! Welcome to another edition of Let's Talk Tech, where we discuss all the latest and greatest technological innovations. Today, we're talking about the top app development companies for the year 2020, according to Business of Apps. Now, I'm not sure about you guys, but when I think of app development, I envision a room full of hipsters sipping on their artisanal coffee, wearing skinny jeans and oversized glasses, tapping away at their MacBooks. But who knows, maybe there's more to it than that?

Anyways, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. According to the folks over at Business of Apps, the top app development company for the year 2020 is none other than...drumroll please...Borne! Yes, you heard that right, Borne with a "B". Don't worry, I had to Google them too. Apparently, they're a group of "creative technologists" (whatever that means) based in London and New York. They've worked with big names like The British Army and Coca-Cola, so they're clearly doing something right.

So what makes Borne stand out from the rest? Well, for starters, they offer a wide range of services including app development, UX design, and even AR/VR development (fancy). They also pride themselves on being a "partner, not a supplier", meaning they work closely with their clients to understand their goals and create personalized solutions. Plus, their website is pretty sleek and modern, so that's a bonus.

In second place, we have a company called The Distance, which is based in York, UK. They specialize in building enterprise-level apps for industries such as healthcare and finance. Business of Apps cites their emphasis on security and reliability as a major selling point.

The third spot goes to Nodes, a company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. They boast a team of over 100 developers and have worked with big names like BMW and Samsung. Their website mentions their "human-centered approach" to development, which sounds like a fancy way of saying they focus on the end user's experience.

There you have it folks, the top app development companies of 2020 according to Business of Apps. Whether you're in need of a new app for your business or just want to impress your friends with some tech knowledge at your next dinner party, now you know where to look. And who knows, maybe someday you'll be rubbing shoulders (or skinny jeans) with the creative technologists at Borne.

Borne by the company

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